Octagon Dress with Bretelles Guys, I'm in love... in love with a new pattern company! Truly Victorian is Great, past patterns is definitely a step into the past, but they seem to do a very certain look of the era and a very similar look. In the years encompassing the civil war era so many new looks and styles were coming out, so many that the big historical pattern companies didn't have. Which to be fair they can't carry every single style for the entire era, they only have so many people to draft so many patterns. But after pp and tv for so long, this girl needed a change, a Change the Octagon Ladies Repository brought. A good basquine bodice... she got it Need outerwear for winter... they have 9, yes 9 outerwear patterns. A wateau wrapper, Godey's 1863 shows a wateau back dress and been obsessed ever since and so much more! And a link to the website h ere So many pretties to make, good thing I have that weird obsession with hoarding silk. For the first project ...
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