1860 Peterson's Tricolor scarf: Part 1

One of my favorite activities is reading, especially period magazines. this little gem popped up in the 1860 Peterson's magazine January issue. I've been needing a way to keep the front of my neck warm while wearing my knitted opera hood, and this scarf is the perfect solution especially with its simple design, yet elegant presentation. 

Image result for peterson 1860 chain scarf
Cost: $15
Time: 3 hours

for this project, exact price is unsure as most of the yarn was already in my stash. The red is a skein of wool from a friend"s sheep, while the gray and the blue came from a thrift store haul.

The first color I went with was the grey and umm, there was quite a few times that it was redone and unraveled until I found the stitch size and combo I liked. It ended up leaving the yarn looking like a pile of fluffy spaghetti.

The final stitch, needle combo that I ended up settling on, was 7 garter stitches like the pattern calls for, on size 10  needles. The resulting piece was about an inch and a half wide, with decent stretch. Now all that was left was to 
and knit...
and knit some more....

After a couple hours, boredom set in and the poor puppers was recruited as a model to see how cute the scarf was going to be when needed. It gave some idea of the end product and the enough entertainment to keep my fingers going, despite the cramps.

Although in the end, I think she wore it better than me!

To be continued....


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