TV Parisian Bustle Skirt Part 2 416

Poofy and Perfect This skirt was a bit interesting, the mysterious bustle with its gravity defying witchcraft baffling my poor tiered hoop skirt era mind. What could cause these poofy magic? The secret is all in the tapes, and the rule of threes. Three tapes running vertically on the inside with three specific spots on the skirt that are attached to each tape. By attaching a piece of cloth onto these tapes, it can be arranged to create a poof and support from where these tapes are attached. just those little stitches are enough to support the skirt and create the bustling effect. there is also a drawstring running across under the bustle that is drawn tight to help also create the shape. The basic of a bustle is putting a lot of fabric in a little area so it is forced out and giving it lift, that's why a stiff fabric or lining is needed. Another part of the skirt that I wanted to add was the pleated trim that is often seen on the bottom of period skirts, these dr...