Moire Dress Part 5: Sleeves, Moire than Meets the Eye
Moire Dress Part 5: Sleeves, Moire than Meets the Eye

Oh dear, one of the things that first made me love fall in love with the purple moire dress were the beautiful, quirky, and unique sleeves. Who could have guessed that they would also be the most troubling part of the entire outfit. Part of the problem is that the original dress was made using homemade silk velvet ribbon, and with silk velvet running at more per yard, without selling a kidney modern polyester velvet ribbon was the best option. Although if anyone is willing my left kidney is very nice.

The original sleeve seemed to be composed of the v's on one side being done, then all the v's on the other. However, after spending a full two hours pinning

and repinning

In the end I decided that the darker orange ribbon just was too stiff and too orange. Switched to this new peach ribbon and it was amzing! great flow and the color seemed to go with the coloring better.

The original sleeve seemed to be composed of the v's on one side being done, then all the v's on the other. However, after spending a full two hours pinning

and repinning

In the end I decided that the darker orange ribbon just was too stiff and too orange. Switched to this new peach ribbon and it was amzing! great flow and the color seemed to go with the coloring better.
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