Black Velvet quilted Mantle with silk

From the Seller
A lovely antique original 1860 to 1870 black velvet cape. The bottom hemline is trimmed with a wide band of black silk moire. The cape has a front button and loop closure. It is lined with green quilted silk. The cape is being displayed over a dress that is being offered in a separate auction. It is in very good condition. There are no holes and no age marks. There is one broken loop on the front closure. Shoulders 15 Length 29.
From the Industrious Lady
The age old question, what is it? Cape, mantle, paletot, wrap, shawl. While it might technically fall underneath the category of mantle which defines as "a loose sleeveless cloak or shawl, worn especially by women." A wrap on the other hand is more loosely identified as an item of clothing which can be pulled around the shoulders for warmth. Below, Godey's seems to identify a style much similar to the one above as a wrap.

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