Recently, I had the chance to go to a Swedish Christmas festival, and if there is anything that the Swedish know how to do, it's Christmas. The children performed a wonderful rendition of the St. Lucia Festival and everyone enjoyed the good company and even better food.

This little dude right here just had to come home with us,
He's a traditional gnome that Swedish folks traditionally put 
in their homes as decorations. 

What can I say, he was so fuzzy I just had to give it a kiss

The blue dress was supposed to be a tribute to Queen 
Sofia of Nassau who was the second longest ruling queen
of the country. She was known as the Blue Countess for 
the blue dress she wore when she stepped off the boat
onto Swedish soil for the first time. 

One of my favorite winter pieves is this knitted
hood, which is based off of an 1856 opera hood
pattern found in Peterson's.

The puppy also approved of the new blue skirt! 
She thinks hoops make the best places for puppers to hide
under to ambush the cat. 

All in all it was a fun time! Can't wait for next year.


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