Part 2 Competition Dress

Basque-ing in the Glory

or making a victorian dress with 3 yards of Wool

So I knew I needed to made something that would cover the white part on the skirt. I found a few ideas online from fashion plates that seemed to be in sport settings. 

I really like the kids in this, and the pockets. Because every lady need pockets.

Even thought this is a later era than I was shooting for (this is more natural form rather than mid 1870's). But something about it seems so relate-able. Maybe its the bag thrown over her shoulder, or her sweet alluring smile, or her relaxed lean against the fence that shows she just doesn't give a care. Also liked the length of her bodice and how it hits very nicely upper thigh. 

Can we appreciate this for a minute. My girl is iceskating in a full skirt, bustle, and has her hair completely on point. Loving the side front closure with the rounded bottom. And the trim, a girl could die for trim such as this.

I didn't have a really good longer bodice pattern, but had the truly victorian vest basque pattern. It has these adorable little tails, and with a little tweaking the front could be made to be as long as the back.

Turns out the tails would need a couple inches too.

Okay, the side pieces need a lot of inches added.

The three yards was just barely enough, but here we go. There was enough fabric too to keep those adorable little tail in the back.

It even looks pretty on the inside

I struggled with these darts so they were getting traced and pinned, and retraced and repinned. They are awfully fussy little things

My goal for 2021 is to make the outsides as pretty as the insides, not trying to boast but not too shabby. 

The main shape of the bodice is done, so far so good. Wool and I have an interesting history but this stuff is amazing. Being a mystery thrift store fabric that burn tested as wool it might be a blend. It is kinda weird to wear fabric and know that it was on a sheep's body a mere few years ago. Now on to the sleeves and trim.



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