Part 2 Competition Dress Basque-ing in the Glory or making a victorian dress with 3 yards of Wool So I knew I needed to made something that would cover the white part on the skirt. I found a few ideas online from fashion plates that seemed to be in sport settings. I really like the kids in this, and the pockets. Because every lady need pockets. Even thought this is a later era than I was shooting for (this is more natural form rather than mid 1870's). But something about it seems so relate-able. Maybe its the bag thrown over her shoulder, or her sweet alluring smile, or her relaxed lean against the fence that shows she just doesn't give a care. Also liked the length of her bodice and how it hits very nicely upper thigh. Can we appreciate this for a minute. My girl is iceskating in a full skirt, bustle, and has her hair completely on point. Loving the side front closure with the rounded bottom. And the trim, a girl could die for trim such as this. I didn't have a really go...