Princess Capote Hood Part 2

The next step for the hood was to sew in a casing for the ties for the hood to run through. This will run around the neck and tie under the chin. I chose to place mine around six inches from the top of the main piece. I did use a machine for this part but sometimes you really do just need to use modern technology for the sake of ingenuity and industry.
To start off the application of the pearl beads, I ran a thread along the entire outside of the main piece (minus that side that will be sewn to the hood piece. The beads were spaced out at around 3/8' inbetween each one. Two parrallel rows were placed next to each other.
To create the further spaced pearl beads, I used chalk and a 1.25" ruler to create a grid. Following those lines, the individual bead was placed where the lines intersected. Using this system each one was placed an equal distance apart. After applying the decorations, the steam on an iron can be used to get rid of the fabric chalk lines.
The picture above show how the v piece of the hood is sewn to the straight edge of the top of the main piece. By doing this we create the peak at the back of the head that the tassel hangs off of in the drawing.
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